Monday, July 30, 2007

Good Lord, has it been THAT long since I posted? It appears here as if Tammy Faye's demise left me stricken with typing paralysis and some serious ennui... but really, things have just been busy busy busy.

The street festival/shopkeeping weekend was a bit much. Bele Chere, allegedly the largest free festival in the southeast or something like that, took over my town and nothing was left by late evening except for swollen ankles and an aching back. Gosh, I used to just love festivals, and now they make me feel mostly tired and old. But we made mad money via the sale of stickers and buttons, so I am envisioning a nice hot tub somewhere, somehow, sometime in the near future.

The top-selling bumper stickers for 2007 are:

Coexist. Coexisting is hot, in case you didn't know.

The Peace Sign. We had a white peace sign on black, a black peace sign on white, a white peace sign on blue, and the classic peace sign flanked by the slogan "Back by Popular Demand". World peace might never happen, but you can buy a little piece of peace from me.

Namaste. But I am very very tired of explaining that one to folks.

Stewart/Colbert in 2008. The fantasy ticket.

Impeach Bush, Impeach Cheney First, Impeach 'Em All, Impeach the Bastards, and just plain Impeach. I think that we're getting a message here.

Treehugging Dirt Worshipper and Treehugger. Lots of enviro-friendly tourists here.

But now I need to get some sleep...


1 comment:

Mother of Invention said...

Okay, so what does coexist mean? I actually do know Namaste!