Thursday, April 12, 2007


I think the Kid looks adorable without dreads... think Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, or Leslie Caron in An American in Paris. I told her so. I also pointed out her swan-like neck which was formerly buried beneath a couple of pounds of matted brown hair. She remained sad. I suggested that she wash out the hair products which salons feel compelled to massage into every customer's scalp - those Laurie Anderson spikes were a bit much. I felt like buying the Kid a drink, but she's only sixteen. So I bought her a giant sweet tea and a plate of pasta instead.

We arrived at the house. Her boyfriend drove up soon afterward. "It's not as bad as I thought it would be", he said. That one's got a way with words, I tell you. But they exchanged such a long silent hug that I had to walk away and give them space. And hopefully, she'll be okay.

This morning as she told me goodbye, the Kid had on a vintage skirt and looked beautiful. Classy, even. I think it's going to be fifties bohemian around here for a while.


1 comment:

Mother of Invention said...

I hope she comes to like the new look. Hair is such a sensitive issue! I have shed many tears after a salon visit!