Thursday, May 24, 2007

Last Day of School

The kid will be out of 11th grade around noon E.S.T. Here's hoping for a couple of hours of quality time - i.e. lunch - before she heads out to see the boyfriend (arriving home fifteen minutes after I fall asleep, as is usually the case) and then she's off in the wee hours tomorrow to meet up with her sister in Spain. We have to take this Spanish thing in shifts to spare the estrogen poisoning of Too Many Female Relatives In One Room.

I'll have two weeks to wrangle my store into submission before the Bonnaroo Festival. Two weeks to plan my Press Pass Strategy - any headliners care to talk about their craft with a middle-aged southern writer?


1 comment:

Mother of Invention said...

I hear ya on the estrogen levels.There was my mom and 3 girls so my poor father had to get a house with a washroom for himself when all of us with PMS were the 1 washroom trying to put on make-up!