Monday, February 5, 2007

Your call is very important to us.

No, it isn't. My call does not matter to you at all. You're making, what - eight, nine bucks an hour? And whether you care about me does not affect your paycheck at all. If I speak to your supervisor this afternoon to complain, one of two things will happen. I will either maintain my dignity and politely explain this inconvenience, then the supervisor will thank me and immediately forget that I ever called. Or, I will express my exasperation with your service, and the supervisor will thank me and later gossip about that impatient crazy bitch who got her panties in a wad over being put on hold. The supervisor might even be sitting at the bar laughing with you and the other co-workers about my anal retention. And look - no one who really knows me would call me anal-retentive, buddy. It's just that I'm coughing and my nose is running and I continue to balance this phone against my right ear while trying to type, since there's nothing else to do and it's already been like twelve minutes of silence. I have a great sense of humor. I am the life of the party, I swear. I'm just sick for about the fourth time in two months, and both my employee and my daughter have had strep throat during the past couple of weeks. I couldn't sleep last night. I'm in a bad mood. And I had to call your office ten times just to get past a busy signal, so I hate to hang up and start the cycle of pain all over again. I don't want to hate you, really. I just want some antibiotics, that's all.

Please, just pick up the phone.

Okay, I hung up and called again. And finally, after twenty rings and several minutes of automated voices, the receptionist picked up.

"This is Gina, can you hold please?"



swills said...

i feel your pain! hope your week is better than your monday.

Mother of Invention said...

Don't you wish you cold just walk over there and be in their face until they have to deal with you?!!