Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Love Edition

Love is metaphysical gravity. - Buckminster Fuller

I've been working on my contribution to what must be the most annoying puff piece ever regarding Valentine's Day. I blame the managing editor, but as news/features editor, I really could have respectfully declined. The sad part is that I can write this stuff with one hand tied behind my back. I am good at it. I can channel an entire sorority raised on Self magazine effortlessly. It's embarrassing, the way my shallowness manifests itself.

Perhaps I am just an excellent mimic.

Because Valentine's Day should be about honoring the inexpressible depths of yearning and lust and needing. Romantic love is a force to be reckoned with. It is bondage with another soul. Love creates a grounding which Fuller speaks of which one does not even realize is missing until the person gives himself to it. Suddenly the lover becomes home and nowhere else feels like home.

I don't even know who St. Valentine was. But I do know something about love.

But the cover story focuses on balloon bouquets and varieties of chocolate ice cream and tickets to sporting events. I suppose it's appropriate enough for a college town newspaper. I dislike the way that these assignments bring out the worst in me, though.


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