Saturday, November 3, 2007

Yard Sale Finds of the Morning:

1. A 1953 diary for a nickel, with only a few entries including the odd "I drove Pop's truck had a good time. Jack Jr. got killed". And did he really mean this: "I comed in the bathtub tonight" which was wedged between "Carol got mad because I think she talks to much" and "Tried out telescope works pretty good". This is not quite as good as the stack of sad postcards my daughter Anna and I read a few weeks ago with the tragic lovelife of Lulu and her friends from the early seventies.

2. The Rhythm of Sterility and Fertility in Women: Hygienic and Ethical, from the thirties. Priests and Catholic doctors argue against condoms as ungodly, and generally make nookie sound like something very un-fun. Lots of drawings of cute babies on the cover.

3. Las Vegas Cooks! Even Vegas cookbooks sound exciting, although the recipes are too complicated for a basic cook like me. The Joys of Jello also looks pretty cool, but I only eat jello if I'm sick or it's spiked with vodka in a nifty shot form.

I think that the 21st century is so weird that I find myself retreating to other eras via the old stuff found at thrift stores and yard sales. Sometimes the simplicity of an earlier time is comforting (although the diary is a little disturbing).

It's all nifty stuff, but sleeping late would have been wonderful. I've been waking up so early, I wonder whether the time change tonight might help or hurt.


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