Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I am officially falling apart

The trifecta of high cholesterol counts - LDL, triglycerides, and overall number - are depressing enough. But it's what is referred to in every single annoying-ass femme-advert rag as my "wake-up call" - and I read this stuff religiously on the elliptical trainer because what else is there to read in a gym. So I can deny reality here, or else I can lose some weight.

Damn, I hate it when I have to behave by the rules and obsess about my body like the rest of America.

Here's a shout-out to some of my nearest and dearest junk foods:

poptarts/pizza/coconut curry/cheesecake/fried chicken/macaroni and cheese/shrimp...

... I just can't go on thinking about it.

And here's to a future filled with flax seed and steel-cut oats -


1 comment:

Mother of Invention said...

Yeah, I so hear you! I crave all the stuff that's bad! And what's up with steel cut oats? Do the health benefits increase when you use an axe to cut them?! You mean my microwave hot oatmeal doesn't "CUT" it?!! Oh brother!