Friday, February 8, 2008

21 Percent

Good Lord... my shop figures for January are off twenty one percent from the previous January. Generally, I read the dismal retail news and smugly think - well, that's Wal-Mart. That's Gap. And then, I go about business as usual, knowing that my store (both Incarnation#1 1987-1997 and Incarnation #2 1995-present) has survived the following:

-Birth of a child
-Terrible divorce financial settlement in which I basically paid for the shop twice over in order to secure the exit of former husband
-Crazy Former Boyfriend
-Institutionalization of Crazy Former Boyfriend
-Crazy Former Boyfriend stealing many shop assets with stolen key
-Two Burglaries
-Numerous unsuitable and/or dishonest employees
-Twenty years of economic ups and downs and two Bush regimes

But until yesterday, I have never faced what the Wall Street Journal would call a "significant economic downturn affecting the retail market" with such a statistical dip in my own back yard.

This must be what recession looks like.

Plan for the weekend: slashing prices (at least a few).


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